Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Runnin' on Top

Last night when I went to bed, my feet and knees felt just about the same as they did after I finished the Flying Pig.  Needless to say, this made me pretty nervous because I wasn't in any shape for strenuous activity for several days after the marathon.  When I woke up, however, I was relieved to find that I felt much better.  Don't get me wrong, I was still stiff and sore, but overall I felt like I could handle the hike that was ahead of me.  As Aprina says in the song Runnin on Top, "new me, brand new day!"

We broke camp in a light rain and I was back at the trailhead by 6:30 (it gets light out around 5:00 and the birds start singing, so sleeping in is something of a challenge).  After a few stiff miles I got into a groove.  The trail was very scenic off the bat, climbing to ridges with scenic views of the lake and the inland mountains.  I met up with my dad on the trail 5 miles later in Split Rock State Park, where the trail follows one of the most breathtaking rivers I've ever seen. 

After leaving my dad and Split Rock, I started on the final 11 mile leg of my hike for the day.  The skies, which had been overcast all morning, opened up and it would rain off and on for the remainder of the day.  In spite of the rain and cold, the trail remained scenic with some of the best views yet.  The further North I get, the better the trail seems to get.

A cold and rainy view of the lake
Around mile 18, my feet started to bother me just like they did the day before, although not quite as much and not quite as early, which I took as a good sign.  While my original itinerary called for a 25 mile hike today, I decided to end it at 20, and I've reduced my planned miles for the next few days to make sure I stay healthy.  This most likely means I'll be hiking the trail in about 12 days, instead of my original goal of 10.  But based on my first three days, I've come to two conclusions about this trip:
1.  I CAN hike this trail, and have a good time while doing it.
2. Finishing this trail, whether it take 10 days or 15, will take every ounce of my physical and mental determination.
I'm blessed to have a lot of support, both in this endeavor and my life over all.  From my wife, who could have argued with me about doing this but instead encouraged me to go for it, to my family and friends who are pulling for me, to my dad who is supporting me along the way, I know I'm not in this alone.  However, at mile 15, when your brain is sounding all kinds of alarms (aka pain) telling you that you need to stop right now, and there's no way you can go another 5 miles today (much less another 175 this week)  you truly are the only one who can make the decision to push through it.  From the scenery to the challenge, this trip has exceeded my expectations all around!
At any rate, one extra bit of motivation I had to get through the hike today was the promise of a hot shower, a good meal, and a night in a bed!  Dad and I are taking a break from camping and staying in a hotel in Silver Bay tonight.  We put on the feed bag, and I'm looking forward to sleeping in a bit before getting back out to the trail and back into a tent.
Thanks so much to all who've been encouraging me along the way!
Putting on the feedbag!


  1. Hope you have a great day tomorrow after a good meal and a full night's sleep! You guys deserve it!!

  2. Hey Matt, looking at this picture, are you SURE your not at just some little diner downtown, and that burger doesn't look to tofuish to me :) Seriously, i really have been enjoying reading about your adventures.I'm not gonna wish you good luck, cause i know you will do well on this trip, as you do on everything that you tackle.But i will say, Safe travels! By the way, the office sure is quite. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back.
    Take Care! Connie
